Ohio County Country Fair
4-H Tent Special Rules and Information
4-H Tent Special Rules and Information
1. Completed Projects - This includes a project book, activity record and project exhibit. All three of these must be accomplished for completed project and eligible for 2016 Ohio County 4-H Foundation Scholarships
Books and activity records received after the exhibit judging has begun on Friday, October 5, 2018 (until October 31, 2018) will be eligible for green project completion ribbons only.
2. Incomplete Projects - Projects considered incomplete by the judges and/or Exhibit Committee will be returned to the 4-H member to finish by October 31, 2018. If completed and returned to the Ohio County Extension Office by October 31, 2018, they will be scored for project completion. Call the Extension Office, if you have any questions.
3. Ribbons and Fair Premiums - The Ohio County 4-H Leaders’ Association will award a ribbon to all completed projects based on the total score of the project book, activity record, and exhibit scores.
Ribbons are awarded as follows:
Blue - 90-100 Red - 80-89 White - 70-or less Green – project completion
Blue ribbon projects will receive a scholarship award of $3.00 from the 4-H Foundation; all Completed projects will receive $2.00 from the 4-H Leaders’ Association. These scholarship awards will be paid to the member's 4-H Scholarship account.
The Ohio County Country Fair Board will award a first place, purple ribbon and a premium of $5.00 to the highest blue ribbon project in each area; a second place, gold ribbon and a premium of $3.00 to the second highest score; and a third place, silver ribbon and a premium of $2.00 to the third highest score. If there is no blue ribbon score within that project area, only the gold ribbon (2nd place) and silver ribbon (3rd place) premiums will be awarded. All premiums will be paid to the 4-H member.
4. Poster Size for Project Exhibits - All posters for exhibits are to be a ½ sheet of poster board (22" x 14"). All exhibits of posters larger or smaller than the requirement will be reduced one ribbon color (10 points). Note: It is practical to cover posters with clear wrap for protection from moisture and wind in the exhibit tent.
5. Project Requirements - Members are to follow the requirements in the project books and for exhibits unless otherwise instructed by the Extension Office or the Exhibit Committee. Listed below are a few guidelines and exceptions:
This is 4-H - Grades 3-6 may exhibit a (1) shoebox picture story, (2) 4-H timeline, or (3) a three dimensional clover. Seventh graders and above may exhibit (1) 4-H Scrapbook, (2) clover art, or (3) 4-H timeline. If you exhibit the three-dimensional clover, be sure to include the paragraph explaining what the four H’s represent. If a member chooses to display a photo, it should NOT be the camp group photo. Project awards are made in each of the three categories. Please remember the 4-H logo cannot be altered or added to in any way, i.e., a photo mounted in the center of the logo or paisley four leaf clover with H’s. You can use a four leaf clover without the H’s any way you wish. Be sure to mark in the back of your book which item you are exhibiting.
Self-Determined - Members should develop their own project in an area not already covered by an existing project and must turn in a “project book” showing what your goals for the project include. You must have some type of exhibit. There is limited space for this exhibit. The space allotted is 24" x 16" (if you need more space, contact the Extension Office)
LARGE ANIMAL PROJECTS - Includes swine, sheep, beef, goats, dairy cattle, and horses. You must show your animal at the West Alexander Fair, Marshall County Fair, State Dairy Cattle Show, or make special arrangements with the Extension Agent.
4-Hers with horse, livestock and dairy projects are required to exhibit a ½ sheet poster board displaying their effort and involvement in the project this year. Ribbons won may be included, but should not be the only item exhibited. Include photos, newspaper articles and other items to help tell your project story. These posters will be judged as part of the exhibit score and receive a maximum of 10 points.
DOG PROJECTS – 4-Hers with the dog project are required to exhibit a ½ sheet poster board with illustrations on care, housing or show/tell a story about their pet. There is NOT a requirement to exhibit their animals, but are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Pet Show at the Ohio County Country Fair.
SMALL PETS - All 4-Hers with the Small Pets Project are required to exhibit a ½ sheet of poster board which will count for 10 points of the exhibit score (the story will be worth 20 points). Include name, type of small pet and other things such as a picture (s), illustration of care, housing, or show/tell a story about your pet. There is NOT a requirement for “small pet project” animals to be exhibited at the Fair, but are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Pet Show.
SEWING PROJECTS - Members should attach the guide sheet (directions) from the pattern to the garment. There will NOT be a style show.
FOOD PROJECTS - Please cover your food items for display with a clear plastic wrap. All 4-H youth are encouraged to participate in the Baked Goods Category at the Fair. Separate items must be made for that entry and will compete for separate premiums. Please call the Extension Office for an entry form.
6. Exhibit Tags - All pieces of your exhibit must be labeled. Please obtain labels from your club leader at your September meeting. If there is more than one item used, use tag on 1st item and write "1 of 3," then place address label on other items and label "2 of 3," and "3 of 3."
7. Removal of Exhibits - Exhibits CANNOT be removed from the 4-H Tent until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. NO EXCEPTIONS. Members who cannot pick up their own exhibit should make arrangements for another member of their club to pick up the exhibit for them. Exhibits must be SIGNED OUT before removal.
8. Hosts & Hostesses - Leaders and teens of 4-H clubs will be present to supervise the public viewing of all the exhibits. Clubs should call Linda Cox at 304-242-5476 to schedule their time.
Books and activity records received after the exhibit judging has begun on Friday, October 5, 2018 (until October 31, 2018) will be eligible for green project completion ribbons only.
2. Incomplete Projects - Projects considered incomplete by the judges and/or Exhibit Committee will be returned to the 4-H member to finish by October 31, 2018. If completed and returned to the Ohio County Extension Office by October 31, 2018, they will be scored for project completion. Call the Extension Office, if you have any questions.
3. Ribbons and Fair Premiums - The Ohio County 4-H Leaders’ Association will award a ribbon to all completed projects based on the total score of the project book, activity record, and exhibit scores.
Ribbons are awarded as follows:
Blue - 90-100 Red - 80-89 White - 70-or less Green – project completion
Blue ribbon projects will receive a scholarship award of $3.00 from the 4-H Foundation; all Completed projects will receive $2.00 from the 4-H Leaders’ Association. These scholarship awards will be paid to the member's 4-H Scholarship account.
The Ohio County Country Fair Board will award a first place, purple ribbon and a premium of $5.00 to the highest blue ribbon project in each area; a second place, gold ribbon and a premium of $3.00 to the second highest score; and a third place, silver ribbon and a premium of $2.00 to the third highest score. If there is no blue ribbon score within that project area, only the gold ribbon (2nd place) and silver ribbon (3rd place) premiums will be awarded. All premiums will be paid to the 4-H member.
4. Poster Size for Project Exhibits - All posters for exhibits are to be a ½ sheet of poster board (22" x 14"). All exhibits of posters larger or smaller than the requirement will be reduced one ribbon color (10 points). Note: It is practical to cover posters with clear wrap for protection from moisture and wind in the exhibit tent.
5. Project Requirements - Members are to follow the requirements in the project books and for exhibits unless otherwise instructed by the Extension Office or the Exhibit Committee. Listed below are a few guidelines and exceptions:
This is 4-H - Grades 3-6 may exhibit a (1) shoebox picture story, (2) 4-H timeline, or (3) a three dimensional clover. Seventh graders and above may exhibit (1) 4-H Scrapbook, (2) clover art, or (3) 4-H timeline. If you exhibit the three-dimensional clover, be sure to include the paragraph explaining what the four H’s represent. If a member chooses to display a photo, it should NOT be the camp group photo. Project awards are made in each of the three categories. Please remember the 4-H logo cannot be altered or added to in any way, i.e., a photo mounted in the center of the logo or paisley four leaf clover with H’s. You can use a four leaf clover without the H’s any way you wish. Be sure to mark in the back of your book which item you are exhibiting.
Self-Determined - Members should develop their own project in an area not already covered by an existing project and must turn in a “project book” showing what your goals for the project include. You must have some type of exhibit. There is limited space for this exhibit. The space allotted is 24" x 16" (if you need more space, contact the Extension Office)
LARGE ANIMAL PROJECTS - Includes swine, sheep, beef, goats, dairy cattle, and horses. You must show your animal at the West Alexander Fair, Marshall County Fair, State Dairy Cattle Show, or make special arrangements with the Extension Agent.
4-Hers with horse, livestock and dairy projects are required to exhibit a ½ sheet poster board displaying their effort and involvement in the project this year. Ribbons won may be included, but should not be the only item exhibited. Include photos, newspaper articles and other items to help tell your project story. These posters will be judged as part of the exhibit score and receive a maximum of 10 points.
DOG PROJECTS – 4-Hers with the dog project are required to exhibit a ½ sheet poster board with illustrations on care, housing or show/tell a story about their pet. There is NOT a requirement to exhibit their animals, but are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Pet Show at the Ohio County Country Fair.
SMALL PETS - All 4-Hers with the Small Pets Project are required to exhibit a ½ sheet of poster board which will count for 10 points of the exhibit score (the story will be worth 20 points). Include name, type of small pet and other things such as a picture (s), illustration of care, housing, or show/tell a story about your pet. There is NOT a requirement for “small pet project” animals to be exhibited at the Fair, but are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Pet Show.
SEWING PROJECTS - Members should attach the guide sheet (directions) from the pattern to the garment. There will NOT be a style show.
FOOD PROJECTS - Please cover your food items for display with a clear plastic wrap. All 4-H youth are encouraged to participate in the Baked Goods Category at the Fair. Separate items must be made for that entry and will compete for separate premiums. Please call the Extension Office for an entry form.
6. Exhibit Tags - All pieces of your exhibit must be labeled. Please obtain labels from your club leader at your September meeting. If there is more than one item used, use tag on 1st item and write "1 of 3," then place address label on other items and label "2 of 3," and "3 of 3."
7. Removal of Exhibits - Exhibits CANNOT be removed from the 4-H Tent until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. NO EXCEPTIONS. Members who cannot pick up their own exhibit should make arrangements for another member of their club to pick up the exhibit for them. Exhibits must be SIGNED OUT before removal.
8. Hosts & Hostesses - Leaders and teens of 4-H clubs will be present to supervise the public viewing of all the exhibits. Clubs should call Linda Cox at 304-242-5476 to schedule their time.
Completed project books and activity records are to be turned in to the Extension Office or to your club leader at the September 4-H club meeting (unless instructed otherwise by your club leader).
All books must be turned in to the Ohio County Extension Office by Friday, September 21, 2018 by 4:30 p.m.
Books will be graded before the Ohio County Country Fair. All project books and activity records turned into the Ohio County Extension Office late will be penalized five (5) points.
*Remember to write down your exhibit directions before you turn in your book!
All books must be turned in to the Ohio County Extension Office by Friday, September 21, 2018 by 4:30 p.m.
Books will be graded before the Ohio County Country Fair. All project books and activity records turned into the Ohio County Extension Office late will be penalized five (5) points.
*Remember to write down your exhibit directions before you turn in your book!
Activity Records
Since completed activity records are filed in the Ohio County Extension Office and are used as a basis for awards on a county, state, and national level, please be as specific and thorough with all of your answers as you can. Include all activities since last year’s exhibit.
List your age as of January 1, 2023. Moreover, please complete your activity record in INK, as pencil does not photocopy well.
The Exhibit Committee will score the activity record using the 2023 Key included in this newsletter. If you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact the Extension Office.
List your age as of January 1, 2023. Moreover, please complete your activity record in INK, as pencil does not photocopy well.
The Exhibit Committee will score the activity record using the 2023 Key included in this newsletter. If you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact the Extension Office.